
Welcome, Community Educators

Welcome all community educators to Xplorlabs, a no-cost online platform available to anyone — featuring resources that can be downloaded and used individually or as an entire collection.


May 10, 2024

Welcome to Xplorlabs!   

UL Research Institutes’ Xplorlabs aims to bring real-world safety science into the classroom. It is an open-access resource for middle and high school educators and students, as well as a unique opportunity for community educators like you to grow your outreach and engagement in your region.

Developed by education experts from ULRI’s Office of Research Experiences & Education (OREE), Xplorlabs is shaped by leading-edge safety research from ULRI’s research institutes.

This no-cost online platform is available to anyone — featuring resources that can be downloaded and used individually or as an entire collection.


Using Xplorlabs in Your Community

Xplorlabs’ immersive pathways provide unique opportunities for professional organizations (fire departments, society of fire protection engineers, etc.) to partner with teachers and highlight the fire service’s connection to STEM education. 

The Xplorlabs education team has worked closely with five fire departments across the country to implement community programming, and Xplorlabs was recognized for helping to meet CPSE accreditation criteria for external agency partnerships and featured in Cherokee Fire Department’s certification process.

To learn more about how the Xplorlabs education team can support your community partnerships, please contact us at


Relevant, Real-World Application

By leveraging the expertise of scientists and researchers from UL Research Institutes, including the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), OREE helps teachers bring safety science research directly into their classrooms — growing student understanding of the safety risks around them and exposing them to safety science, and STEM careers like the fire service and fire sprinkler plan review.


Understanding the Importance of Fire Sprinklers  

In the year ahead, the National Fire Sprinkler Association, FSRI and OREE will collaborate to create The Science of Fire Safety: Engineering Solutions. In this educational pathway, students learn about the design, use, and efficacy of fire sprinklers, as well as their impact on the built environment.

Xplorlabs will continue to add resources to this pathway to help further understanding of the unique challenges surrounding fire-safe spaces.


 Explore our pathways and resources:

The Science of Thermal Runaway

Engineering Solutions

From hoverboards to cell phones, portable electrical power makes life as we know it possible. But it can come with some dangerous possibilities. Let’s investigate, experiment and search for solutions.

The Science of Extraction to E-Waste

Trade-Offs & the Supply Chain

Safe and sustainable cities will depend on lithium-ion batteries to power our modern lives. But what are the costs?

The Science of Fire Forensics

Claims, Evidence and Reasoning

There’s been a fire. Your job is to figure out where the fire started, and how.

The Science of Fire Safety

Fire safety is a complex problem without a single answer. Learn how to engineer and design fire safe spaces.
